Sunday, 20 November 2011

No regrets

Octalistas wedding! what I shall be wearing (or, something else.)
scary shitz peeps. And its okay for me to have it here,
as it's not what I shall be wearing =P
The brilliantly adorbz Lydia!!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

This is now my new art style

I don't even...
LEGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, who inspired all this shizz

Florence Black, who asked

Isabella Midnight, who I think may have also asked.

Queen Kallista!! 

Because there is no fun in being good

1) Because I want this dress IRL. 2) Because I am naturally blonde. 3) Niall, injokes, red dresses, distraction techniques.

Sunday, 13 November 2011


 Now, all five of these lads have made an impact on my life, some more than others, and one very much in particular.

I love being me. Its so damn fun...
oh what would you all do without me?



Nialline! I can't say anything PG about this, I just can't.

I DO have a story behind this, like everything I do............................

tbh, I think this says it all

Chanora, at the request of Octalina

Pyra, version 2