Tuesday, 19 July 2011

My OC - Venice Rain

Name: Dr Venice Rain.
DOB and/or Nationality: half English/Australian (her father - originally English, but liked Australia)  , half Irish/Venetian, brought up between her parents Nationalities, she now spends some of her time in Ireland, the rest in Venice, London or Paris, or just travelling (For work and play - she loves cities). Looks about 27, and is really in her early 200's

Magic: Super-speed (faster than a normal vampire... just) Heightened agility (she has tremendous balance - think Tanith, but shes more than double her age), ‘thick skin’ - really a shield a millimetre over her skin that automatically activates on impact. Useful if your best friend spends a lot of his time blowing stuff up. Or if you’re not looking where you’re going when sprinting at ridiculous speeds.
Mode of transport and Home: She shares a place with Finn (see below) in Dublin - within view of the sea. Also has an apartment in London and Paris, and has close freinds/family in Venice.
Family: Was trained by her father. Her mother died when she was very young, and her father was a reformed assassin, so she met the odd hit-man or killer. However, he was also close with Anton Shudder (see below - she sees him as an uncle figure, but closer) and Skulduggery Pleasant, and knew the rest of the dead men too. Her father was fiercely protective of her, but occasionally irresponsible, and had no idea how to bring up a kid. He was a good man, and respected by many, but some hated his stubbornness and strong principles. He killed only those who he knew needed to be killed, and only answered to Morwenna Crow and Eachan Meritorious. she watched him sacrifice himself when she was 22. Few believed he actually sacrificed himself (including Guild) but those who knew him well do.
Her mother was a very powerful sensitive, who was often possessed. She died shortly after Venice was born, due to a severe possession. No one at the time knew what it was that possessed her, only that it was evil and powerful. She used to worry about it, as sensitivity is genetic, but isn't now. 
Has an adoptive family in Venice.

Relationships: best friend: Dr Finn Guenuine. They first met on the boat to Dublin when they were about 30, and have been inseparable since.
Niall Montblanc: They met in Chinas library, and they took a shine to each other. She helps him with the odd case, and he helps her... 'remember why things matter', in the words of Dr Guenuine.
Occupation: Historian, specialising in Mythology and Legends. Was offered a job as the Irish Sanctuaries official Historian by Guild, but she turned it down, in support of Skulduggery. Now reconsidering. 
Faction: Aided in many covert operations during the war due to her ability to get in, get what was needed, then get out. 
Misc and History: Rumoured to of out-ran many a vampire, though there is little evidence either way in most cases... but evidence doesn't always show the whole picture. (she also loves speed, of any kind)
She’s very sensitive, but hides it well. If someone is upset she is very good at getting them to calm down and see the bright side, but has no patience for drama queens. very un-superstitious. Has a Holmes style of looking at things - ‘when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth’ is her mantra. Gets bored very easily, but can be enraptured forever in a good book, or a historical conundrum. can be absolutely terrifying when she wants to be.
Suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) due to the fact that one day she ended up in almost the middle of an all out battle when only 9 years old (Dialberie vs Dead men). She froze, and was rescued by Anton Shudder, and they’ve been close ever since.
She was asked to join Guilds ‘Exigency’ program close to the end of the war. She refused.
Appearance: Deep red/brown hair, with messy loose curls that she keeps short (just past shoulder length, and in a slight bob) and tied up, but has a habit of escaping. Sea-green eyes, pale skin. Wears tight trousers and floaty, often vintage and/or kimonoesque tops and jackets, with heels or boots. Pretty, and quite slim.  


1 comment:

  1. kalllllllllllllllllllllll............. can you upload her to bio-rama? pleeeeeeeeeaaaaasseeee
